Ventilation Recommendations
Ventilation requirements are expressed as being equivalent to the width of a continuous opening per metre run of eaves or ridge. Therefore a continuous opening of 5mm is equal to 5,000mm²/m, 10mm equals 10,000mm²/m.
Ventilation may also be provided by a series of openings corresponding to the required mm per metre.

For roof pitches of 15° and above with insulation at ceiling level:
10,000mm²/m at eaves plus
5,000mm²/m at the ridge, or at high level *
* for duo pitches this can be 2,500mm²/m
on either side of the ridge line.

Where a roof space, with insulation at ceiling level, is divided by internal walls, each and every compartment within the roof must be considered individually for the purposes of ventilation at both low and high level.

For roof pitches of 10° and above with insulation at rafter level;
25,000mm²/m at eaves
5,000mm²/m at the ridge, or at high level *
N.B. a 50mm gap is required between underlay & insulation.
IV100 Inline Vent

10,000mm² ventilation capacity
Minimum Pitch 22.5°
Suitable for roof space ventilation or for soil vent and for kitchen and bathroom extractors
110mm outlet.
LV75 Cowl Vent

7,500mm² ventilation capacity
Minimum Pitch 15°
Suitable for roof space ventilation or for soil vent and for kitchen and bathroom extractors
110mm outlet with fitted adapter.
LV200 Cowl Vent

20,000mm² ventilation capacity
Minimum Pitch 15°
Suitable for roof space ventilation
or for mechanical extractors up to 150mm using the optional multi adapter
Underlay protector

All vents are supplied with an underlay protector, which when inserted above any opening in the underlay will protect it from water ingress into the roof void.
Quick-Flex Connector

The innovative Quick-Flex connector easily connects the 110mm outlet on the back of the tile vent to other rigid PVC pipes used for soil vent or kitchen and bathroom extractors.
The hand tightened compression fitting avoids the need for any tools during installation.
Multi Adapter

The optional multi-adapter is used to connect the LV200 vent to pipes ranging in size from 150 down to 100mm.
Simply cut to the required size