Condron Concrete Works is a 100% Irish owned Private Company founded in 1969 by John Condron. It is located just outside Tullamore, Co. Offaly, Ireland. The Company manufactures Twinwall Plastic Pipes, Concrete Pipes, Manholes and Gulley Traps as well as Concrete Roof Tiles and Accessories.
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All our concrete products are manufactured using highest quality aggregates, which come from our own quarries and sand pits. Our batching and mixing procedures are fully computerised producing low water to cement ratio, high strength, concrete.
Reinforcement cages required for the Spigot & Socket pipes are produced from Cold Drawn High Tensile Steel on our automatic welding machines.
All our pipes are manufactured and certified to relevant European (EN) and Irish (IS) Standards Specifications and are regularly inspected by officials from National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI).
Condron Concrete have a fleet of haulage vehicles to meet clients expectations and ensure reliable and secure delivery of our products on site.
Quality Control
Daily routine Quality Control is carried out by our own team of engineers to ensure that highest standards are maintained at all times.
Specials of all products can be manufactured and supplied “to order”.